"A Walk in a Forrest"
These are photo memories from visiting a garden on 4 May 2005 area near Gotemba
(御殿場市, Gotemba-shi, Japan). We visited this garden which is near Mt. Fuji with my husband's parents. And, clearing up some things during some recent remodelling in our apt., I found some of my misplaced photos on discs.
featuring one of my favorites: "From Where I am"
performed by Enya
These are photo memories from visiting a garden on 4 May 2005 area near Gotemba (御殿場市, Gotemba-shi, Japan).
2. "You need to claim the events of your life to make yourself yours.",
3. "He who has confidence in himself will lead the rest.",
4. "Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.",
5. "The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.",
6. "The greatest wealth is to live content with little...",
7. "... for there is never want where the mind is satisfied.",
8. "Find expression for joy, and you will intensify its ecstasy.",
9. "Among God's blessings there is no one small."
These are photo memories from visiting a garden on 4 May 2005 area near Gotemba (御殿場市, Gotemba-shi, Japan).
1. "Be cheerful while you are alive.",
2. "You have to believe in happiness or happiness never comes.",
3. "To hope is to enjoy.",
4. flickr.com/photos/81116492@N00/9650445133/,
5. "Where your pleasure is, there is your treasure;",
6. "... where your treasure, there your heart;",
7. "... where your heart, there your happiness.",
8. "Joy is the echo of God's life within us.",
9. "Take plenty of time to count your blessings."
These are photo memories from visiting a garden on 4 May 2005 area near Gotemba (御殿場市, Gotemba-shi, Japan).
1. "Never spend a minute in worry.",
2. "Joy makes us giddy.",
3. "Tomorrow will be better.",
4. "This is the best day the world has ever seen."
"I am as my Creator made me, and since He is satisfied, so am I."
~ Minnie Smith
Thanks for stopping by
and God Bless,
hugs, Chris
more later...