Picking Mandarin oranges (mikans)
On November 17, 2006, Kanagawa International Association's Minami Circle had their outing trip. Earlier in the day, we visited a lantern artist's residence and gallery in Yokosuka. It was planned that we would be going to an orchard to pick Mandrin oranges after enjoying lunch.
The weather cooperated with some sunny skies and we were able to enjoy the beginning of the colored leaves in the area.

We visited an orchard in the Tukurihama-Kanko-Noen area of the Miura Peninsula by tour bus.

The trees were beautiful. There were so many delicious fruit ready to be picked.

In order to pick the fruit, clippers are needed. Using these clippers avoids tearing the delicate flesh of the mikans.

As I was leaving, I noticed that there was a schedule, which shows when the crops are ready for harvesting. The one that interested me the most was strawberries... they can be picked from January to May.

This makes me think that I'll be back to during that season because I love delicious strawberries.
more later...